Is it finally Summer?!
Hi all! Is it safe yet to say that Summer has arrived?! After SO much rain in the past few months, it’s been nice to have some consistently sunny days! However, it hasn’t come without its problems. With all that rain and the weather getting warmer, the grass has been growing like crazy, so it’s prime time for laminitis.
My pony Vinnie is normally the one at risk during this time, but with careful management his feet have stayed ice cold and pain free. On the other hand, Julius (one of my retired horses) ended up with laminitis a few weeks ago, which was completely unexpected! He isn’t the type to gorge himself and is normally difficult to put weight on, but I think with the addition of the hard ground we’ve had now the rain has disappeared, he ended up very sore :( thankfully we caught it quick enough and he is absolutely fine. Moral of the story - no one is safe from the dreaded laminitis right now so be extra careful!
A few of you have been asking for some June clinic dates and I apologise for only just getting them out now. I have to admit that forward planning is not a strong point of mine. I'm very much a “take it as it comes” person. So if you’re desperate for a lesson and I haven’t gotten my act together and sent out dates, please do get in touch and just book a private lesson. 30 mins is £30, 45 mins £45, and if you want to do some polework i’m more than happy to do that in your private session.
That being said, here are the June clinic dates:
June 11th - Test Riding Clinic in collaboration with Marie Kent. Have Marie warm you up for 30 mins in the indoor, then ride a 20x40 test outdoors with Casey judging, then working with Casey for 15 mins based on her feedback, then ride the test again.
June 17th - Polework Clinic (you will be placed into groups of 2-3). £25 for 45 min session. Times start at 2pm.
June 28th - Discount Clinic. Individual 30 min dressage lesson for discounted rate of £20. Times start at 2pm into evening.
Contact me direct on the Facebook page or message 07900048952 to book in :)