Introducing: Guidance Sessions

I have found time and time again that it’s difficult to get the support you need from a trainer when you just want a sounding board for your problems/ideas/goals, whether it’s because you feel like you don’t want to waste lesson time, you don’t feel comfortable bringing up personal issues, or sadly sometimes trainers aren’t open to offering moral support in the way that you need.

I have been in this position many times before and have felt very alone in my struggles, and I often hear of riders trying to deal with similar problems and they feel let down by industry professionals, and end up not knowing where to turn.

During a guidance session with me, you will have a safe space to vent, express how you feel about what’s going on, and ask me any questions you might have with your horse. This could be anything! Training issues, feeding advice, tack/bitting, dealing with negative thoughts and emotions whilst riding or at the yard - literally anything.

It’s important to note here that I am not a therapist, qualified tack fitter, physio, vet or nutritionist. However, I have 25 years of industry experience, trained with countless top international trainers, ridden at international level, ran my own training livery yard since I was 19, and been through what feels like a meat grinder with everything I’ve worked through in my own journey. So I definitely have some nuggets of wisdom to offer.

Alongside my extensive equestrian experience, I am also a qualified yoga teacher so am skilled in offering self-soothing techniques, meditation, breathing exercises, and even physical exercises to help with any niggles/injuries/weaknesses that might be bothering you.

For anything that is beyond my expertise, I also have an extensive range of contacts who I can refer you to for help with whatever you’ve got going on, so I can even be your catalyst to finding the right solution. I will never pretend to know all the answers, I will simply offer advice and input drawn from many years of my own experience to help point you in the right direction.

Most of the time, it just feels bloody good to get things off our chest without risking getting unsolicited advice from people on the yard getting involved in our business. In these guidance sessions there is no judgement, bias or involvement in what’s going on between you and your horse.

Your time investment is 30 mins either in person in my beautiful yoga studio on site here at Forest View, or online over a zoom call from the comfort of your own home, and the cost is just £20.

You can come just once, or you can have a few sessions completely tailored to what you need.

Contact me if you’d like to book in on a day and time suited to you :)


Is it finally Summer?!


Origin Story